The Foundation Expansion OUT NOW on Xbox One
The Foundation Expansion OUT NOW on Xbox One
Hi everyone,
Today is the day! The Foundation is OUT NOW on Xbox One. Get ready to head on into the caverns beneath the Oldest House in our first expansion to Control. But before you do, take a moment to look over our up-to-date FAQ guide below!
Q: Do I need to own Control to play The Foundation?
A: Yes, you need to own Control and you need to have completed the main story of Control to play The Foundation. The main story of Control is completed once you’ve completed the mission Take Control.
Q: Is The Foundation expansion part of the Season Pass?
Yes, The Foundation is part of the Control Season Pass.
Q: Will there be a Season Pass on Xbox One?
Yes, The Season Pass will go live on June 25th, 2020.
Q: How do I start The Foundation?
A: Season Pass owners will need to also get The Foundation separately from the store. (If you own the Season Pass, The Foundation will be marked as free.) After you have The Foundation in your library (on any platform), open the game and look at your mission list, The Foundation mission will be listed there.
Q: Where does The Foundation take place?
A: The Foundation takes place in a completely new area of the Oldest House, called The Foundation.
Q: How do I access The Foundation?
A: You can play The Foundation if you’ve bought the expansion separately, or own the Season Pass.
To access the content in-game, you need to have completed the mission Take Control, the last mission in the main campaign of Control. After that, Jesse will receive a call from the Board in the Hotline Chamber, and that’s how The Foundation starts. The Foundation area will from then on be accessible through the Maintenance sector.
Q: What size is the expansion?
A: Depending on platform, The Foundation expansion is between 4 and 6 GB.
Q: What are the new skills?
A: The new skill available to you in The Foundation is Shape. Shape has two forms, Create and Fracture. You can use this skill only as part of The Foundation expansion, and with it Jesse can manipulate and destroy certain parts of the environment in the Foundation to her advantage. Depending what path you take in the flow of the expansion, you can choose which part of the skill (Create or Fracture) you get first.
All players will also get Shield Rush, an upgrade for the Shield ability which allows for a more offensive use of Shield.
Q: Where are the new skills available?
A: Just like all other abilities in Control, Shape will be available through completing an Astral Plane challenge. Shape can only be used in The Foundation. Shield Rush is available through the ability tree at the Control Point in Central Executive.
Q: What am I getting in The Foundation expansion?
A: The Foundation brings a continuation of the main story of Control, a new ability, more ability upgrades, weapon and player mods, a new enemy type, and secrets to discover.
Q: How long is The Foundation expansion?
A: We anticipate the content of The Foundation to be 4 to 5 hours long.