Control Virtual Photography – Faden Friday December 2023
Control Virtual Photography – Faden Friday December 2023
Hi everyone! Due to some technical gremlins, we’re hosting the final #FadenFriday showcase of 2023 here on the 505 Games website. (We’ll get it uploaded on the Control website as soon as possible.)
Control launched over 4 years ago and honestly, we can’t quite believe the level of support and love you continue to show the team. It blows our mind! Today, we want to showcase more of the incredible talents of our community, who for years now, have flooded our timeline with stunning snaps from the Oldest House.
#FadenFriday was started by fans, for fans. For that, we want to say thank you. Thank you for being such positive forces and cheerleading Control in the most creative and beautiful ways. We are so unbelievably honoured and on a personal level, I feel so lucky to manage this truly special community. Thank you for making my job even more fun – I appreciate you all more than words can express.
On behalf of everyone at 505 Games and Remedy Entertainment, thank you for another year of inspiring virtual photography. We can’t wait to showcase more of your creative captures in 2024.
Credit: @KaiVirtualPhoto
Credit: @y_kittingman
Credit: @XboxCreative
Credit: @TheAmeliaNathan
Credit: @SubliminalVers5
Credit: @StefanieMcMaken
Credit: @SpecialCases242
Credit: @CaptureControl
Credit: @solinstruments_
Credit: @riainwonderland
Credit: @RedDevi_784
Credit: @RalstonVP
Credit: @PhotoModeGamer
Credit: @PAG_fluttershy
Credit: @MrTJ_808
Credit: @XboxCreative
Credit: @MoiraM_Control
Credit: @MechXican
Credit: @masterj010
Credit: @m_nt_13
Credit: @LudvigneA
Credit: @kimchitraveler
Credit: @itswong45
Credit: @Gwyn_VP
Credit: @FrameCaptureVP
Credit: @Dizlight
Credit: @discophotomode
Credit: @TheAmeliaNathan
Credit: @riainwonderland
Credit: @Diego64350036
Credit: @Defalt368
Credit: @cyber_valhall
Credit: @Cerium
Credit: @CaptureControl
Credit: @SpecialCases242
Credit: @BallanceJacob
Credit: @Azrel01
Credit: @Austin_AF18
Credit: @alexaguilar0015
Finally, while you’re here, we have a favour to ask. ICYMI – 505 Games have been shortlisted in The Fourth Focus’ Virtual Photography Awards in the Community Support category. This means so much to the team! If you like what we do and think we’re worthy, we’d really appreciate the vote.
Thank you! https://www.thefourthfocus.com/thevpawards-industry-voting